O-training.net: Test-version ready

Posted by , 11 Apr 2010@14:00

An early version of o-training.net is now available for testing. O-training.net is a project which I have had in my mind for years, but which I never have got time to realize. The content can still only be considered to be a test-version, but in my opinion there is too much interesting stuff here to just leave it hidden and unpublished until I some time maybe would have time to finish it.

Wiki style

The main part of O-training.net is built up as a community-driven wiki, where everybody is allowed to contribute. In an ideal world, I would allow anonymous edits at O-training.net, but due to todays spam-problems in the Internet, you will have to request an account to contribute to O-training.net. O-training.net is part of WorldofO.com.

Main resource for O-Technical training

O-training.net was planned to be the main resource for Orienteering Technical training available online. O-training.net will try to gather all the resources available on the internet in one place. The intention is that this will be the place to go for everybody wanting to improve as an orienteer.

The main content will be O-training exercises, but other kind of resources like training camp sites, orienteering trainers, weblinks etc. will also be included. O-training.net is community-driven, and therefore in the end it is YOU who decide what these pages will contain.

A few links to get you started:

Early test-version

When using O-training.net, keep in mind that this is an early test-version which I would normally not consider ready for publishing.



Comment by Dorothe Spillmann

April 11, 2010 @ 21:17

Fantastic tool you provide here! Nice complement to my hard-cover folder in use for our weekly trainings.
Dorothe, IF Thor Orientering, Uppsala


Comment by Toño León

April 12, 2010 @ 11:54

Muy bueno¡¡¡¡¡
Very good¡¡¡
Thanks Jan.

Toño, Alcon Orientación, León, España.


Comment by Petr Fodor

April 14, 2010 @ 21:32

Thanks a lot Jan. Again a great tool for o-community. Maybe we can add a category to Orienteer of the year named “Contribution of the year” and you should be the first winner :D


Comment by Jan Kocbach

April 14, 2010 @ 22:16

Thanks – now enjoy, and please contribute!

I’ve been working on some other stuff that is even more fun. I hope to get something ready for you all next week…

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