EOC Middle Qual: GPS analysis

Posted by Jan Kocbach, 14 May 2012@14:15

The Middle Qualification opened the European Championships today – with all women runners carrying a GPS. Here you find a quick GPS analysis of the race. As this was a qualification race, focus is more on where the race was lost than on where it was won!

This article is part of the EOC 2012 GPS-analysis series. In a cooperation with the EOC 2012 organizers, World of O/O-training.net will do GPS-analysis after each of the EOC races in Sweden the coming week.

Jansson versus Alexandersson

The above illustration compares the routes of  two of the big profiles of this Europan Championships – Swedish Helena Jansson and Tove Alexandersson – finishing 1st and 2nd in Heat 3. As you can see (check out Jansson versus Alexandersson in 2DRerun for yourself to go further in the analysis), the main difference in this second part of the course seems to be running speed in the tougher parts of the terrain (yellow) and the last uphill.

See also:

Looks easy – can be tricky


The courses look seemingly easy when looking at them at the map, but still there were lots of mistakes made – mostly direction mistakes as you can see in the GPS-tracking from the women. A combination of running speed and good direction were the key ingredients to get to the finals. And of course accurate orienteering in the green areas.

One runner who had some problems in the start of the race was Norway’s Heidi Bagstevold. As you see on the illustration above, 45 degrees off already to the first control lost her more than half a minute. A bad compass direction to number 3 cost another 20 seconds – and then the big 3-minute mistake at number 6.  Happy ending for Bagstevold, though: She managed to keep the speed and secure her orienteering on the rest of the course, and made it to the A-final.



Looking at the spreading of routes on this leg from control 7 to control 8, it is obvious that straight is fastes (green color = fast). Looks like some might need to practice a bit more compass running before the A- and B-finals?

Although direct was faster in almost all legs today – there is no rule without exception. On the leg to number 11 (see below) it seems like the road option to the left is slightly faster. The reason for this is the tough terrain direct.


EOC 2012 GPS analysis: Warm up with training-analysis

Posted by Jan Kocbach, 10 May 2012@8:00

In a cooperation with the EOC 2012 organizers, World of O/O-training.net will do GPS-analysis after each of the EOC races in Sweden the coming week. As a warm-up I have taken a brief look at some of the trainings in EOC-relevant terrain which have been uploaded to 3DRerun/2DRerun.

As running speed and focus has been different for the different runners, this analysis will more look at some examples from different EOC training maps than to look at a specific analysis. Still it can be good to take a look to see what kind of challenges the runners will meet in Sweden next week. You can also take a look at what the course setters say about the terrain and the challenges at the EOC webpage. - Those that ran pre-EOC and Elitserien at Bonäs in spring 2011 may be expecting similar, extremely fast pine heath terrain with sandy ridges. Sure, there are similarities with Bonäsheden but the terrain in Skattungbyn is more varied, many of the ridges are higher, the depressions deeper and the amount of detail greater.

Sample 1 (a): Run straight lines

This sample is from a one-man relay training at Åmotjärn 2. Typical for this terrain is many small hills with some some open forest, some greener areas and some marshes. In many cases the fastest route is to stay as close to the line as possible – and in this example you can see how staying close to the line usually gives you an advantage of some seconds compared to making curves out.  Open sample in 2DRerun.


Sample 1 (b): Direction mistake – underestimating difficulties

Control number 20 above is one control were many runners did a direction mistakes. It is actually a quite easy control if you pay attention to direction and contours (to the left of the line) and the big path (the small path might be tricky to see?). The big path just ahead of the control makes you think the control is very easy – that is probably a reason for the many mistakes here. Open in 2DRerun.


Sample 2: Run straight lines II

The second sample is from an EOC training on the map Vika. Compass and running straight is again important in this second example, even if the terrain characteristics are quite different. The example clearly again shows how all the small detours you take away from the line costs you a few seconds here and a few seconds there.  The straight route choice is by no means the best choice for all legs in the EOC terrain – but in the cases where it is, you should use your compass and run straight. Open sample in 2DRerun here to take a closer look at it.

However: Don’t get fooled by the examples above – there may also be legs in this terrain-type where routechoices will be decisive! Both micro-routechoices and longer routechoices – so the straight line is not always the best approach – however make sure that you can run straight wherever it is necessary.


Sample 3: Speed adaption training, Gesunda

The third example is a speed adaption training in Gesunda – on a snowy day which you can read about on Gustav Bergman’s Doma-archive (Kerschbaumer was there the same day). Two of the worlds best orienteers who are among the favorites at the upcoming EOC  - a bad day for both of them – they hopefully learned a lot before returning to the Falun-area next week!  - A legendary bad performance. I don’t know what I shall say, is Bergman’s comment on his Doma-archive. The snow surely did not improve the concentration, but you should not fall asleep mentally on the long legs in this terrain. Also for the legs down the hills the tactics should be put on making the control easy to find. See example in 2DRerun here.


Excellent presentation about O-technical analysis (Norwegian)

Posted by Jan Kocbach, 09 May 2012@5:00

As a part of the Norwegian program for educating trainers within orienteering (the Trainer 2 course), Sindre Haverstad has made a nice presentation about “O-technical analysis” for trainers. It is in Norwegian, but there are many illustrations, so you will get the idea also without being fluent in Norwegian.

The presentation looks into different types of analysis a trainer – but also an athlete – can use for analysis of orienteering technical training. The content goes from traditional techniques like conversations with the athlete/split times to modern analysis like GPS-analysis with 2DRerun and HeadCam analysis with 3DRerun or Camolyze.

The presentation is highly recommended.

Training Camp Time: Video-intro to 2DRerun!

Posted by Jan Kocbach, 23 Feb 2012@5:00

Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Italy – most elite orienteers go south to training camps at this time of the year. Quite a few use 2DRerun for GPS-analysis at the training camps. As I get a lot of request about how to use 2DRerun, I made a 13 minute screencast which walks you through the basics.

Even if the screencast is made without preparations, I think you will be set to start using 2DRerun for analysis at your training camp after watching the screencast. Please watch in HD-quality and full-screen to see all details. Uploading of map and routes is handled in different screencasts which have been online for a long time already – you do that through the usual 3DRerun interface. See also some further tips below the video.

  • Remember to use only 2 points for calibration if you use QuickRoute for calibration.
  • If you use Doma as map archive, you are encouraged to upload your maps to your doma-archive, and use the new on-demand upload to 3DRerun from Doma functionality (so that I don’t have to use up my server for the map files).
  • An added benefit if you use the new Doma version 3 is that you automagically get the blank map as background map in 3DRerun (even if you upload to your Doma with a non-transparent route).


New version of QuickRoute and DOMA!

Posted by Jan Kocbach, 28 Dec 2011@5:00

Two of the most popular free orienteering software available – QuickRoute and DOMA – are now updated to version 2.4 and 3.02, respectively. All QuickRoute users should consider an update – the new features are a big plus in daily use of QuickRoute. Update of DOMA is somewhat more involved, but absolutely a worthy upgrade.

QuickRoute 2.4

QuickRoute is the state-of-the-art tool for GPS-analysis of single GPS-tracks today – used by thousands of orienteers. See a full description of how to use QuickRoute for GPS-analysis here. The new version has the following improvements:

  • Map images can be scaled, rotated and cropped when creating new documents.
  • Route lines can be coloured according to two properties, for example both pace and heart rate.
  • Thick lines supported while adjusting maps (this alone is worth the upgrade!)
  • Support for the Garmin .fit file format.
  • Import of Hearth rate data from Garmin HR files
  • Improved integration with the new 3.0.2 version of DOMA (see below for info) – e.g. uploading of maps without route and with route.
  • QuickRoute is now available in a number of new languages.
  • Lots of other enhancements and bug fixes.

Download the new version here:

DOMA 3.02

DOMA is a digital orienteering map archive, to be installed on a PHP+MySQL-equipped web server. The digital orienteering map archive helps you display your and your friends’ orienteering maps and route choices on the web. Since the first version was released in the end of 2008, DOMA has been installed on over 700 web servers, where 2 000 users have added more than 40 000 maps. You find nearly 30.000 of these DOMA maps in the DOMA section of omaps.worldofo.com along with a lot of other orienteering maps. If your DOMA-site is missing in omaps.worldofo.com, please send a note about it to jan@kocbach.net.

News in Doma 3.02:

  • Maps can be commented by visitors.
  • Added overview map feature where the geographical locations of the maps are shown.
  • Map images without routes can be uploaded along with map images including routes, so visitors can plan their own route choices without actually revealing them.
  • Maps may be hidden for others than the owner until a certain time.
  • KML export, making it possible to open maps in Google Earth.

Download the new version from here:

Theoretical O-exercise: Follow the camera

Posted by Jan Kocbach, 15 Dec 2011@10:00

You have the map with start triangle marked on it. Then you have 3 videos. Your task is to correctly mark the position of Control number 1, Control number 2 and Control number 3. Can you manage?

In cooperation with OOCup we are able to deliver this nice theoretical O-exercise from Slovenian forests. If you have more time left after pondering over Route to Christmas, this is an excellent way of training your ability to understand the correspondence between map and terrain. The videos are of good quality (some of the best we have seen from orienteering in the forest), so it should not be as tiring to follow as some of the earlier similar o-technical challenges presented here at o-training.net.

Ultimate map

To make it a bit more tricky, the map shown is an “Ultimate map”, i.e. a map without paths as used in the special “Ultimate category” in OOCup. The rules are simple: Mark the 3 control points on the map, and submit your solution. OOCup even provides some prizes if you manage to find the correct solution AND are lucky: From all participants who send correct answers by December 31st, 4 prize winners are drawn, winning 1 transferable entry to OOcup, 1 transferable entry to Lipica Open, 1 OOcup T-shirt and 1 OOcup cap.

It is recommended to set the resolution from 360 to 720 in the videos for better details. Scroll down inside the video box to see videos number 2 and 3. Note! This isn’t easy – I had to watch the first video three times before I figured out where the control was…

Start to Control 1

Control 1 to Control 2

Control 2 to Control 3

Submit your solution below. Mark the control point with left click. Zoom in and Zoom out with + and – in upper left corner. Pan the enlarged map by holding the left mouse button. Delete the last point with the button under the map. Fill in the form and submit your solution!


Note that you find the same Theoretical o-technical exercise also at the OOCup webpage.

Have you got a similar theoretical o-technical exercise from your area? I’d be happy to put it up here on o-training.net if the video quality is good. If you’ve got some prizes, it is even better, but I’ll of course publish without prizes as well :)

Interesting new Orienteering Analysis Tools coming!

Posted by Jan Kocbach, 30 Nov 2011@5:00

Great times ahead for orienteers interested in analysis to improve their technique! Several new tools for orienteering technical analysis are being released in test-versions this autumn/winter: 2DRerun, Opath, otrax and Camolyze. In addition the most popular tool for o-technical analysis as of today – QuickRoute – is getting an update.

It surely looks like this is going to be very interesting months for those interested in improving their orienteering technique using computer tools!

This article only gives a brief introduction to each of the new tools – a more detailed review of the tools will be written when they are more “market-ripe”. For now they are in alpha/beta/test-version – however most of them are usable for analysis already. The developers are surely interested in your feedback in this phase – so please help them making even better analysis tools!



Introduction: 2DRerun is a complete rewrite of 3DRerun from the bottom. Instead of relying on the Google Earth plugin in 3D, a 2D representation is chosen based on feedback from elite runners. This works a lot better for analysis, you don’t need any special plugins installed in your browser, and it also works on the iPad/many mobile phones. Most of the functionality from 3DRerun is kept, and additionally the autOanalysis functionality is included. 2DRerun has now replaced 3DRerun as my personal tool for orienteering analysis as it is faster and a lot more efficient to work with than 3DRerun. All events which can be opened in 3DRerun can also be opened in 2DRerun.

Development state: 2DRerun is available as an alpha version, but is very usable in the Google Chrome (recommended) and Firefox browsers. Two workshops have been organized based on 2DRerun, and 2DRerun already has a large user base from several reigning World Champions to youth orienteers . 2DRerun does not work at all in Internet Explorer for now (support is planned in 2012). There is currently no documentation at all available for 2DRerun – but a  support and info-page for 2DRerun/3DRerun is available here. Planned development short/long term/very long term: Better competition management system under development, courses, groups, tagging, split-times, documentation, Internet Explorer support, direct upload from Garmin-watches, autOsplitsbrowser, improved of user interface, live-mode, several specific analysis-modes, Facebook-integration.

How to test drive: Here is a direct link to an autOanalysis comparing Thierry Gueorgiou and Daniel Hubmann in the World Cup middle distance in Czech Republic this autumn. In addition to viewing this autOanalysis and zooming by using the mousewheel or the +/- keys on the keyboard, you can change to “Replay mode” in the menu to the right and do many different types of analysis. To try this with other events, you can start 2DRerun when you view an event in 3DRerun by clicking “Try 2DRerun with these maps/routes” in the upper part of the right column. Alternatively, you can browse events/maps in the event overview, click the small “*” behind an event/map to get up all related events, and then choose “New: Open in 2DRerun” at the bottom of the page to open these in 2DRerun. You can also upload your own events after registering at the 3DRerun page.



Introduction: The background for the development of otrax is that QuickRoute does not work on Mac – a “QuickRoute for Mac” was thus the starting point for the development. However, otrax is planned to be available also for Windows and Linux. otrax is described as “a GPS analysis tool of the next generation” which “takes the best out of existing tools and combines all into a single tool”.  otrax is planned to be a combination of a desktop application and a web application. As for 2DRerun/3DRerun, the program allows comparison of routes by different runners (e.g. through animations). As it is a desktop software, it will also work offline whereas 3DRerun/2DRerun needs an internet connection to work. The developers also state that one advantage of otrax is that you can get all the way from map+GPS-track to comparing of routes in a single program instead of mixing different tools to compare routes and publish routes in the Internet (e.g. combination of QuickRoute and 2DRrerun required today).

Development state: The first version of otrax was released for Mac/Linux at November 11th. This initial version is restricted to a subset of the features which are planned for later on, but according to the developers this initial version allows you to calibrate a GPS-track with a map, and more runners and compare routes for these runners. The developers tell that further development plans include 3D animations, groups, sharing over social media, a mobile site and more.  About the future, one of the developers Yannis Güdel states: - First otrax will conquer the Swiss Mac users. When the web application is available, many Windows users will start using otrax. otrax will not replace QuickRoute completely, but it is to be expected that  certain QuickRoute users will switch from QuickRoute to otrax.

How to test drive: otrax can be downloaded and installed from the otrax website. Note that currently there are only Mac/Linux-versions officially available. You can also download “an unstable windows version” to test the tool on Windows (I did test it, and you can test-drive the features, but you should probably wait for the stable version before you use this as part of your analysis flow).



Introduction: Opath is a new web-based orienteering analysis tool under development. In some respect Opath is similar to 2DRerun, but the focus for Opath is more towards analysis of competitions with several courses and split times available – although Opath will also be possible to use for simple trainings. Opath development was started in order to “fill the hole” which occured after RunOway was shut down and the user based was moved over to MapandCoach. The developer Mikael Eliasson describes it this way: OPath was started because many people missed RunOway. People seemed to like RunOway because it was very easy to  use, but still provided them with  what they needed. A goal for OPath is to make this even easier.

Thus Opath is focused on RunOway features in the start, e.g. import of courses and split times, drawing of routes for runners who did not use GPS, etc. However, another goal for OPath is to make it easy to upload trainings too. - It can be both club trainings and personal trainings with a few of your friends.  OPath also let you compare your tracks from different times, Eliasson explains. Some advantages of Opath seen from the developers view: A searchable database of events and courses, no requirements for any plugins like Java, Silverlight or Flash, direct upload from Garmin units, access to personal history, works without official split times.

Development state: An initial version is available on opath.se, but it must still be considered a test version. The webpage of opath.se states: - OPath has only existed a short time, the project was started in late october so there will be a lot of problems and a lot of features missing. Please be patient, we are trying the best we can to make the product awesome. Still, it is possible to test Opath, and get an impression about what it will give later on. Some improvements coming: Facebook login, support for competitions, your history, anonymous uploads, better privacy support, clubs and friends (make it easier to find courses).

Facebook login (as a complement to our login)
Support for OCAD files to upload courses(Done)
Support for competitions
Your history
Anonymous uploads
Better privacy support(Everybody can see your courses today)
Clubs and friends, make it easier to find courses

How to test drive: Go to opath.se to test the replay functionality. To upload new competitions/courses, you can get yourself an account at opath.se, and test those features as well. See an example of two trainings run 15 months apart compared here.

QuickRoute (update to version 2.4)


Introduction: QuickRoute is the state-of-the-art tool for GPS-analysis of single GPS-tracks today – used by thousands of orienteers. See a full description of how to use QuickRoute for GPS-analysis here. The new version will get some improvement as described below. The most important improvement seen from my point of view is the ability to change the line width while adjusting the route. I have had several GPS workshops where QuickRoute has been used, and the inability to adjust the line width while adjusting the route has lead to a lot of unhappy faces (until they installed the development version which has this feature).

Development state: QuickRoute is stable and is currently available in version 2.3. Version 2.3 was released in March 2009, but there have been some development version available since which have introduced a few new features. The new stable version 2.4 is to be available quite soon. According to the developer Mats Troeng, the following improvements are in the pipeline for version 2.4: Possibility to change width of route while adjusting route, faster drawing of the route, support for mapreading analysis, new languages, import of HR-info from Garmin GPX-files and possibility to rotate/scale map while importing map.

How to test drive: Version 2.4 will be available on the QuickRoute download page soon. Information about the release will be published at WorldofO.com’s twitter account.



Introduction: Camolyze is a new software for HeadCam analysis of orienteering races and competitions which is currently under development. Compared to existing tools for HeadCam analysis (e.g. 3DRerun or Attackpoint online tools as described here), the strength of Camolyze will be that it works on your local computer, and you will therefore not need an internet connection to use it. Camolyze will work directly with maps and routes exported from QuickRoute. This means that you should be up and going with analysis straight after your training, and that you can do analysis on your training camps in the wilderness.

Development state: There is still no version available for testing, but what I have seen from the developer looks very promising (there is a video of Camolyze in action available on the development page).

How to test drive: Not yet possible to test. See the development page of Camolyze for more information. I will write a review at o-training.net when I get access to a test version.

Existing tools

Other tools which have been covered briefly earlier and are not covered again here are listed below. All these tools require the organizer to upload map and other information about the event, contrary to the tools described above.

  • Map and coach – requires race organizer to upload information
  • Routegadget – requires race organizer to upload information
  • RunoWay (shut down – old maps/routes still available in archived version) – required race organizer to upload information

GPS autOanalysis SM Middle distance

Posted by Jan Kocbach, 17 Sep 2011@20:02

Victories to Jenny Johansson and Erik Rost in today’s SM middle distance – GPS-data makes it possible to see how the races where decided. Very tight in the mens class – Jonn Are Myhren was only a second behind. In the women’s class Johansson had more than a minute down to Helena Jansson in third.

Note that the times given below are from the the GPS data – thus not accurate to the second. Not much analysis is provided, but the illustrations give away some details – and there is of course also the full GPS tracking to watch.

Results A-finales
1 Erik Rost Malungs OK Skogsmårdarna 37:47 7:07
2 Jonn Are Myhren IFK Lidingös Skid o OK 37:48 +0:01 7:07
3 Emil Wingstedt Leksands OK 38:08 +0:21 7:11
4 Anders Holmberg Järla Orientering 38:12 +0:25 7:12
5 Zsolt Lenkei IFK Moras OK 38:15 +0:28 7:13
6 Graham Gristwood Södertälje-Nykvarn OF 38:20 +0:33 7:13
7 Oleksandr Kratov OK Orion 38:58 +1:11 7:21
8 Erik Axelsson Finspångs SOK 39:31 +1:44 7:27
9 Peter Öberg OK Hällen 39:40 +1:53 7:29
10 Gustav Bergman OK Ravinen 39:41 +1:54 7:29
1 Jenny Johansson IFK Göteborg 40:30 8:32
2 Helena Jansson Leksands OK 41:33 +1:03 8:45
3 Eva Jurenikova Domnarvets GOIF 41:38 +1:08 8:47
4 Nadiya Volynska OK Orion 42:25 +1:55 8:56
5 Sara Eskilsson Haninge SOK 43:10 +2:40 9:06
6 Maria Magnusson Sävedalens AIK 43:14 +2:44 9:07
7 Emma Claesson Stora Tuna OK 43:18 +2:48 9:08
8 Malin Leijon-Lind OK Kolmården 43:24 +2:54 9:09
9 Lilian Forsgren OK Tisaren 44:03 +3:33 9:17
10 Angela Wild OK Rodhen 44:09 +3:39 9:18
Mens class: Rost versus Myhren

Myhren looses around a minute at the second control (from the GPS illustration below it might look like it is on the long leg to number 3, but it is actually to number 2). He also looses nearly 40 seconds to number 8 by running to the right (again the illustration below lies a bit and says 66 seconds as the line is drawn after Rost has been at number 7). In the remainder of the course Myhren is faster nearly every meter, but in the end is one second late to beat Rost. Myhren is actually ahead at the last control.


Click here to see full sized map.

Womens class: Johansson versus Jansson

Jansson runs faster, but looses time on several mistakes – the biggest ones being around a minute at number 11 and a minute at number 13. Also the same routechoice to number 9 where Myhren lost time – for Jansson it also cost around 40 seconds.


Click here to see full size map

Womens class: Johansson versus Jurenikova

Very similar route choices all the way – Jurenikova looses all the time she is behind around control number 12 – first on insecurity and then on a mistake.


Click here to see full size map

Womens class: Johansson versus top 6

New type of illustration where the thought is to show all who are faster than Johansson on different parts of the course. Not quite there yet with this, but it has some potential.


Click here to see full size map

Compass Science: Compass optimized for different regions

Posted by Jan Kocbach, 11 Aug 2011@22:00

compassesDid you know that a normal top-of-the-line Moscow Compass has poorer performance in the WOC 2011-area in France than in Scandinavia or further north in Europe? And that you can actually buy a compass which is optimized for the WOC area in France? It was new for me until I talked to a developer for Moscow Compass at the Model event for WOC 2011 long distance today.

- We had a special version for WOC in Trondheim optimized for northern Norway, Sweden and Finland last year. It was used by many in the Swiss team and also several of the Russians like Khramov and Tsvetskov, Fedor Polekshanov explains.

- Now we have a special version for the WOC 2011 area which is optimized for the France, Switzerland and Italy region. Many WOC runners have the compass – for example Marc Lauenstein, Philippe Adamski, Fabian Hertner.

Does it really work?

I was very surprised to hear about this – as this was very new to me. So does it really work? I first asked Jonn Are Myhren – a WOC runner who has been using this type of compass – and he was very satisfied with it. I then got to compare one compass optimized for this region with a “normal” Moscow compass which is very stable in other areas (and also tested against my own compass) – and there was really a difference. See this short video for a demonstration:

I also got a demonstration with a compass optimized for Australia – and here the effect was even stronger.

Why does it work?

- The magnetic field is not horizontal. The vertical component of the magnetic field influences on how long time it takes before the compass needle stabilizes, the Polekshanov explains while showing me several different compasses optimized for different areas.

- The change in stability is not important for all runners, but for elite runners this can be very important.

- The vertical component affects the horizontal plane of the compass card and pulls it to dip towards North or South. This natural force varies according to geographical location. A compass balanced in Moscow is not horizontal in France.

The “secret” behind designing the compass is very simple. The center position of the needle is just offset a tiny bit based on where in the world the compass is to be optimized for – except for that they are equal as far as I understood.

Something for you?

So is this something for you? Should you have 4-5 different compasses when traveling the world for orienteering events? Probably not – but I’d recommend trying it out and see if it is something for you. I was so impressed that I bought one for my girlfriend to try out during the races here in France…

I have not compared this with other compasses – like for example Silva compasses – so I can’t say anything about how the Moscow Compass technology is compared to the top-of-the-line compasses from Silva or Suunto.

OOCup 2011 Day 3: GPS Analysis

Posted by Jan Kocbach, 25 Jul 2011@18:30

The third day of OOCup 2011 offered some really interesting orienteering. – Some of the most tricky orienteering I have experienced, was the comment of one former world champion. The terrain is very technical with a lot of micro-routechoices, and also some longer route choice legs.

For this GPS-analysis I have got routes of 5 runners, and in addition I have talked to several of the other top runners about their routes. I would have like to have more GPS-routes to make a full analysis, but several of the top runners did not use a GPS-watch – and some also forgot to start their watch. Still I think there is enough information to make an interesting analysis. Please add a comment below if you have any comments to the analysis.

Before you start reading, you can take a look at the complete map here.


Quiet before the storm. Quite easy orienteering – no big differences between the top runners. Tue Lassen is fastest and takes the lead (keeping it all the way to the fifth control). The winner Marius Thrane Ödum and number two Roger Casal Fernandez loose some seconds. Here is the map without routes:

Split times Start-1
1. 02:04 Tue Lassen (3.)
2. 02:14 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
3. 02:19 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
4. 02:22 Bjarne Friedrichs (7.)
5. 02:23 Mate Kerenyi (15.)
8. 02:28 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
12. 02:32 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
13. 02:34 Doug Tullie (5.)

Split times 1-2
1. 01:41 Christian Christensen (17.)
2. 01:41 Doug Tullie (5.)
3. 01:42 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
4. 01:42 Tue Lassen (3.)
5. 01:44 Bjarne Friedrichs (7.)
6. 01:44 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
8. 01:49 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
11. 01:52 Alasdair McLeod (6.)


At the long leg to number three the interesting part of the course starts. This is an interesting long leg with several route choice options. Incidentally, the different options are actually quite similar in running time – the important thing here is to execute the leg well.

Here is the leg without routes:

Below you see the leg with routes (there is some inaccuracy for the GPS-signals in this part of the map due to the steep hill).

Note that the actual split time from the SI timekeeping system is show in the parantheses, whereas the split time from the GPS is shown first.

Fastest of the ones with GPS-route here is Zsolt Lenkei going right. However, I have also part of the route of Roger Casal Fernandez (his route starts halfways up the hill), and Casal Fernandez is 3 seconds faster than Lenkei with a route similar to Friedrichs. Another 5 seconds faster is Søren Schwartz who is the fastest on this leg, but I do not know where he ran.

Split times 2-3
1. 06:45 Soren Schwartz (11.)
2. 06:50 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
3. 06:53 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
4. 06:57 Tue Lassen (3.)
5. 07:00 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
8. 07:12 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
9. 07:14 Doug Tullie (5.)

The winner of the race, Marius Thrane Ödum runs an even more left variant than Friedrichs, using even more paths towards the control. – I learned in France in similar terrain that I should keep in the paths as much as possible, Ödum commented after the race. Ödum looses 27 seconds to the best time on this leg.

Conclusion for this leg: Approximately the same to go direct or right – execution of the leg is the important thing.


Now we are into the tricky terrain – some of the most tricky the competitors will meet in OOCup this year. This is not necessarily terrain where you win the race by doing a few fantastic split times, but rather terrain where a lot of competitors loose the race by doing big mistakes.

- Thierry Gueorgiou really liked this terrain because there are so many micro-routechoice options, the head organizer Ivan Nagy commented about this part of todays terrain. – The French team used this area during their training camp in Slovenia in early July.

Two of the top runners lost time from 3 to 4 ; Both Casal Fernandez and Zsolt Lenkei lost 40 seconds – for Casal Fernandez this was one of the many places he lost the 40 seconds he was behind Thrane Ödum in the finish… Both seem to loose control at the middle of the leg.

Split times 3-4
1. 01:48 Sindre Jansson Haverstad (8.)
2. 01:49 Doug Tullie (5.)
3. 01:51 Tue Lassen (3.)
4. 01:58 Christian Christensen (17.)
5. 01:58 Luis Nogueira De La Muela (13.)
6. 01:58 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
7. 02:01 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
24. 02:29 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
28. 02:38 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)

4-5, 5-6 and 6-7

We are in the tricky terrain, but the legs are short and there are no significant route choice options. The important thing here is to keep control of the orienteering, and to simplify properly in this very detailed terrain. Tue Lassen looses nearly 2:30 on the two first of these legs together – most to number 6. Doug Tullie looses nearly 1:30 to number 5. Thrane Ödum looses half a minute to number 7. The other top runners loose only a few seconds.

Split times 4-5
1. 01:11 Mate Baumholczer (14.)
2. 01:12 Mate Kerenyi (15.)
3. 01:19 Juan Manuel Merida Sanchis (40.)
4. 01:19 Luis Nogueira De La Muela (13.)
5. 01:19 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
6. 01:20 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
7. 01:20 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
11. 01:23 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
26. 01:31 Tue Lassen (3.)
47. 02:37 Doug Tullie (5.)

Split times 5-6
1. 00:53 Christian Christensen (17.)
2. 00:55 Bjarne Friedrichs (7.)
3. 00:57 Jegor Kostylev (16.)
4. 00:58 Anders Konring (36.)
5. 00:58 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
7. 00:59 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
9. 01:01 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
33. 01:29 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
44. 02:00 Doug Tullie (5.)
50. 03:00 Tue Lassen (3.)

Split times 6-7
1. 01:40 Evgeny Popov (19.)
2. 01:41 Tue Lassen (3.)
3. 01:42 Doug Tullie (5.)
4. 01:48 Luis Nogueira De La Muela (13.)
5. 01:48 Soren Schwartz (11.)
6. 01:52 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
7. 01:53 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
12. 01:57 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
25. 02:08 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)


This is a short leg – but still with three different options. Either going left using the path, choosing a more right option attacking from the path crossing, or going direct. None of the runners with GPS-track are in the absolute top, but it seems that Casal Fernandez looses by going direct through the stones/cliffs. The left/right options lend themselves more to simplification and thus also faster running speed.

Split times 7-8
1. 02:05 Luis Nogueira De La Muela (13.)
2. 02:19 Tue Lassen (3.)
3. 02:22 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
4. 02:24 Daniel Pelyhe (26.)
5. 02:24 Mate Kerenyi (15.)
6. 02:26 Doug Tullie (5.)
8. 02:27 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
18. 02:38 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
36. 03:00 Alasdair McLeod (6.)


Another short leg with routechoice options – althoug for this one there are big differences in the different routes. Again the heart of the problem is how to simplify the leg in a way which make it possible to run without stopping to orienteer – and at the same time avoiding the places with bad runnability and the big holes.

The left option – running on the path for most of the leg with a simple control taking – seems clearly to be the best option here althoug the runners for which I have GPS routes are some seconds behind the best split time. Casal Fernandez looses more than 40 seconds on this leg, going direct/right, not using the path system enough. Note however, that Bjarne Friedrichs also looses 20 seconds to Lenkei on this leg, even if he is close to the ideal route – loosing some time out of the control. The right option (run by Sören Lösch in the illustration below) might be better than it looks as Lösch did not run full speed in this competition.

Split times 8-9
1. 02:14 Evgeny Popov (19.)
2. 02:18 Doug Tullie (5.)
3. 02:21 Joost Talloen (49.)
4. 02:25 Tue Lassen (3.)
5. 02:28 Christian Christensen (17.)
6. 02:28 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
7. 02:28 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
25. 02:59 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
50. 05:43 Alasdair McLeod (6.)


The leg from 9 to 10 is another leg in this tricky, stony terrain with several route choice options. The question is how far around you can run on the path without loosing too much time. The answer: Very far!

- I did not plan to run this far around, Zsolt Lenkei said when going through the GPS animation just after the event. – When I noticed I was on the wrong path, I just continued.

This gave Lenkei the best split-time on this split. With 4:40 he was a few seconds faster than Rasmus Thrane Hansen. Comparing with the other runners with GPS-tracks, you see that the rightmost option is significantly faster than the other options. Furtheron, it is much easier to execute – giving a lot lower risk than the other options. I have no knowledge of where the other runners with good split times on this leg ran, but right would be my knowledge anyway due to the lower risk. Casal Fernandez looses 40 seconds to Lenkei on this leg due to taking the direct route with quite poor execution.

Split times 9-10
1. 04:40 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
2. 04:42 Rasmus Thrane Hansen (10.)
3. 04:49 Doug Tullie (5.)
4. 04:49 Evgeny Popov (19.)
5. 04:51 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
6. 04:51 Tue Lassen (3.)
7. 04:54 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
16. 05:20 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)


Most manange this leg well – and all with GPS data take left. Tue Lassen however looses more than 2 minutes on this leg.

Split times 10-11
1. 02:03 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
2. 02:06 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
3. 02:09 Sindre Jansson Haverstad (8.)
4. 02:14 Martin Janata (9.)
5. 02:22 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
9. 02:36 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
16. 02:45 Doug Tullie (5.)
44. 04:24 Tue Lassen (3.)


The leg from 11 to 12 was another leg with routechoice options – and where several runners lost time. From the GPS data, left seems to be clearly the best choice here. You have a lot of path, and the control region is easy to simplify from the attackpoint. Lenkei looses 1:30 here – Casal Fernandez 20-30 seconds.

Split times 11-12
1. 02:13 Evgeny Popov (19.)
2. 02:19 Doug Tullie (5.)
3. 02:25 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
4. 02:27 Bjarne Friedrichs (7.)
5. 02:33 Soren Schwartz (11.)
6. 02:42 Tue Lassen (3.)
7. 02:44 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
14. 02:59 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
35. 03:39 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)


The control number 13 is typically a control which it is possible to simplify considerably by taking a right curve into the control – using the flat area in front of the control you can keep high speed almost all the way to the control. If you go too far left, you quickly get into trouble. Lenkei looses more than a minute here.

Split times 12-13
1. 02:05 Luis Nogueira De La Muela (13.)
2. 02:19 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
3. 02:21 Evgeny Popov (19.)
4. 02:22 Juan Manuel Merida Sanchis (40.)
5. 02:22 Tue Lassen (3.)
6. 02:23 Doug Tullie (5.)
9. 02:28 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
10. 02:35 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
28. 03:11 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)


Control 13-14 is the most interesting routechoice leg of the day. Casal Fernandez took the optimal route choice and executed the route perfectly. That gave the best split time – more than 30 seconds ahead of Doug Tullie. Of the ones with GPS data, Lenkei takes the same route as Casal Fernandez, but looses 30 seconds at the start of the leg by not orienteering accurately out of the control – and 15 seconds into control 14. For most of the leg he has the same running speed as Casal Fernandez. Bjarne Friedrichs looses 2:20 by going all the way down towards the valley. Sindre Haverstad looses nearly two minutes by going up – taking too much height. The winner Marius Thrane Ödum looses 1:30 by taking a route which starts similar to Haverstad’s, but then coming down towards Casals route.

One of the main reasons for many runners taking a route similar to Haverstad’s route on this leg, is that it is difficult to read what is up and down here. Taking Haverstad’s route actually gives you 30-40 meters extra uphill, but you need to study the map carefully to see it. In addition, it requires more mapreading in the areas with many contours.

Split times 13-14
1. 05:34 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
2. 06:18 Doug Tullie (5.)
3. 06:19 Evgeny Popov (19.)
4. 06:29 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
5. 06:38 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
7. 06:46 Tue Lassen (3.)
10. 07:04 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)


The control 14-21 are in the easier part of the terrain – time to run fast but not forget the orienteering. Casal Fernandez handles this best, and earns some seconds on the others.

Split times 14-15
1. 02:58 Luis Nogueira De La Muela (13.)
2. 03:03 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
3. 03:05 Tue Lassen (3.)
4. 03:07 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
5. 03:09 Evgeny Popov (19.)
10. 03:16 Doug Tullie (5.)
11. 03:19 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
12. 03:20 Alasdair McLeod (6.)

Split times 15-16
1. 01:12 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
2. 01:13 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
3. 01:15 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
4. 01:15 Tue Lassen (3.)
5. 01:16 Doug Tullie (5.)
9. 01:19 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)

Split times 16-17
1. 01:18 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
2. 01:20 Tue Lassen (3.)
3. 01:24 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
4. 01:24 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
5. 01:25 Mate Kerenyi (15.)
11. 01:32 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
15. 01:38 Doug Tullie (5.)

Split times 17-18
1. 00:56 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
2. 00:56 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
3. 00:57 Christian Christensen (17.)
4. 00:57 Tue Lassen (3.)
5. 00:58 Evgeny Popov (19.)
8. 00:59 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
12. 01:00 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
19. 01:04 Doug Tullie (5.)

Split times 18-19
1. 00:42 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
2. 00:43 Christopher Smithard (44.)
3. 00:43 Luis Nogueira De La Muela (13.)
4. 00:44 Mate Kerenyi (15.)
5. 00:45 Mate Baumholczer (14.)
6. 00:45 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
7. 00:45 Tue Lassen (3.)
38. 01:01 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
44. 01:11 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
50. 01:38 Doug Tullie (5.)

Split times 19-20
1. 02:16 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
2. 02:18 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
3. 02:23 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
4. 02:23 Tue Lassen (3.)
5. 02:27 David Schorah (21.)
6. 02:30 Doug Tullie (5.)
10. 02:34 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)

Split times 20-21
1. 01:10 Bjarne Friedrichs (7.)
2. 01:11 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
3. 01:13 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
4. 01:15 Jegor Kostylev (16.)
5. 01:16 Evgeny Popov (19.)
6. 01:16 Tue Lassen (3.)
7. 01:17 Doug Tullie (5.)
16. 01:27 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
28. 01:34 Alasdair McLeod (6.)


Another long leg, but very few routechoice options. Here it is just the question of being strong enough, and try to keep close to the line. Lenkei looses half a minute by going S-shape at the last part of the leg.

Split times 21-22
1. 06:54 Tue Lassen (3.)
2. 06:58 Sindre Jansson Haverstad (8.)
3. 06:59 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
4. 06:59 Luis Nogueira De La Muela (13.)
5. 07:00 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
11. 07:25 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
14. 07:33 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
20. 07:53 Doug Tullie (5.)


The leg from 23 to 24 was a leg where several runners lost time. At this stage in the race all the runners where tired, and only the toughest took the direct route with some extra meters of ascent. Marius Thrane Ödum is fastest by going direct. Casal Fernandez and Lenkei both go left and loose time – Casal Fernandez a whole minute. Direct is the fastest here.

- I used the end of the path [to the right] to control my descent towards the control, Thrane Ödum explained. – The last part into the control I used the stone group.

Split times 23-24
1. 04:10 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
2. 04:13 Doug Tullie (5.)
3. 04:17 Evgeny Popov (19.)
4. 04:21 Soren Schwartz (11.)
5. 04:30 Jeppe Ruud (27.)
7. 04:33 Tue Lassen (3.)
11. 04:48 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
13. 04:50 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
19. 05:10 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)


The split from 24 to 25 is quite easy and short – but still Casal Fernandez takes it with a margin of more than 20 seconds by trusting his simplification of the terrain.

Split times 24-25
1. 01:41 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
2. 02:02 Sindre Jansson Haverstad (8.)
3. 02:03 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
4. 02:07 Alasdair McLeod (6.)
5. 02:10 Evgeny Popov (19.)
6. 02:12 Doug Tullie (5.)
10. 02:23 Tue Lassen (3.)
12. 02:33 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)


Again a long leg with only one real option – the right one on the road. Several runners lost around half a minute here by not taking the path all the way to the control – one of them was Casal Fernandez.

Split times 25-26
1. 04:24 Marius Thrane Odum (1.)
2. 04:29 Tue Lassen (3.)
3. 04:31 Christian Christensen (17.)
4. 04:32 Bjarne Friedrichs (7.)
5. 04:32 Sindre Jansson Haverstad (8.)
7. 04:40 Zsolt Lenkei (4.)
10. 05:03 Roger Casal Fernandez (2.)
15. 05:08 Doug Tullie (5.)
19. 05:17 Alasdair McLeod (6.)

PS! If you want it even more tricky, check out the Ultimate Class (without paths/roads) – here is my map.

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