Jukola countdown -12 days: HeadCam video with map

Posted by , 06 Jun 2011@8:00

This HeadCam video with accompanying map from the neighbor terrain of Jukola 2011 is a nice way to prepare for Jukola 2011. The Häppilä map featured in this video is one of the Jukola 2011 training maps. The video is from a national race in this terrain in early May this year.

Sit back and enjoy – the video is 37 minutes long… By comparing map and video you can understand how the map and the terrain compares – and get prepared for the challenges you will meet at Jukola 2011.

The video is made by Jarkko “Mr. Routegadget” Ryyppö. This is probably one of the most advanced HeadCam videos from orienteering events made yet. Follow the Routegadget page on Facebook to get updates from Jarkko.

Here is another HeadCam video from the same terrain – but without map. This is from May 29th – so the vegetation is closer to what you can expect at Jukola 2011:

Häppilä, training 29.5.2011 from Jarkko Ryyppö on Vimeo.

Jukola 2011 webpage

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