Excellent presentation about O-technical analysis (Norwegian)

Posted by , 09 May 2012@5:00

As a part of the Norwegian program for educating trainers within orienteering (the Trainer 2 course), Sindre Haverstad has made a nice presentation about “O-technical analysis” for trainers. It is in Norwegian, but there are many illustrations, so you will get the idea also without being fluent in Norwegian.

The presentation looks into different types of analysis a trainer – but also an athlete – can use for analysis of orienteering technical training. The content goes from traditional techniques like conversations with the athlete/split times to modern analysis like GPS-analysis with 2DRerun and HeadCam analysis with 3DRerun or Camolyze.

The presentation is highly recommended.



Comment by simmo

May 10, 2012 @ 15:30

I don’t speak Norwegian, and I have to disagree with Jan’s statement that I ‘will get the idea’. It is all double-dutch to me. Can someone please translate the whole presentation to English?


Comment by Jan Kocbach

May 10, 2012 @ 15:47

@Simmo: I pasted the text of the presentation into Google Translate and uploaded it here


By comparing presentation and translated text you’ll at least get some more info. However, I still think you get the general idea about tools to use, methods etc. just by looking at the slides even if you are not fluent in Norwegian :)

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