Theoretical O-exercise: Follow the camera

Posted by , 15 Dec 2011@10:00

You have the map with start triangle marked on it. Then you have 3 videos. Your task is to correctly mark the position of Control number 1, Control number 2 and Control number 3. Can you manage?

In cooperation with OOCup we are able to deliver this nice theoretical O-exercise from Slovenian forests. If you have more time left after pondering over Route to Christmas, this is an excellent way of training your ability to understand the correspondence between map and terrain. The videos are of good quality (some of the best we have seen from orienteering in the forest), so it should not be as tiring to follow as some of the earlier similar o-technical challenges presented here at

Ultimate map

To make it a bit more tricky, the map shown is an “Ultimate map”, i.e. a map without paths as used in the special “Ultimate category” in OOCup. The rules are simple: Mark the 3 control points on the map, and submit your solution. OOCup even provides some prizes if you manage to find the correct solution AND are lucky: From all participants who send correct answers by December 31st, 4 prize winners are drawn, winning 1 transferable entry to OOcup, 1 transferable entry to Lipica Open, 1 OOcup T-shirt and 1 OOcup cap.

It is recommended to set the resolution from 360 to 720 in the videos for better details. Scroll down inside the video box to see videos number 2 and 3. Note! This isn’t easy – I had to watch the first video three times before I figured out where the control was…

Start to Control 1

Control 1 to Control 2

Control 2 to Control 3

Submit your solution below. Mark the control point with left click. Zoom in and Zoom out with + and – in upper left corner. Pan the enlarged map by holding the left mouse button. Delete the last point with the button under the map. Fill in the form and submit your solution!


Note that you find the same Theoretical o-technical exercise also at the OOCup webpage.

Have you got a similar theoretical o-technical exercise from your area? I’d be happy to put it up here on if the video quality is good. If you’ve got some prizes, it is even better, but I’ll of course publish without prizes as well :)

1 Comment


Comment by mixma

December 16, 2011 @ 09:04

I solved this quest! Cool idea, a good prize!

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