No-map compass training


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Orienteering Exercise: No-map compass training

Key information
Exercise Type: Compass, Distance evaluation, GPS evaluation
Target Level: Elite level, Junior level
Intensity: Low, Medium
Preparation time: Less than 5 minutes
OCAD Required: Yes
Min participants: 1

A course on a white sheet of paper with only the course drawn (no details at all).

Aim: Train the use of compass.
Variants: This is one of many variants of compass orienteering. You may also remove only part of the area between the controls (see e.g. Fog training). The blank map variant is very easy /fast to make, and very tricky in the forest. Note that Compass training in pairs is a good way to use this exercise for runners who are not that experienced.
Aids: OCAD is required in order to make the map. GPS is good for evaluation.
Terrain: Quite flat terrain should be used. It should be possible to run straight on the line.
Preparations: Make course without background map. See Tips_on_OCAD_usage for tips on how to make it in OCAD.
Tips: Use GPS to evaluate the training - that is more motivating. Compass training in pairs is a good way to use this exercise for runners who are not that experienced.
Image No-map compass training.jpg A course on a white sheet of paper with only the course drawn (no details at all).

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