Orienteering Exercises - Overspeed orienteering
From O-training.net
Overspeed orienteering Exercises
1st control training | Many courses with only start and one or two controls. Several people start together (minimum of two), and the goal is to locate your position and run to the first control as fast as possible after turning the map around. | Overspeed orienteering, Sprint orienteering | ![]() |
Downhill intervals | Run fast uphill and orienteer downhill while you are tired (overspeed). There are many variants - some of them are described below. Also called Sævig intervals in Norway. | Concentration, Overspeed orienteering | ![]() |
Downhill orienteering | Run a downhill orienteering course in overspeed, i.e.faster than you normally would do in a competition. | Flow, Overspeed orienteering | ![]() |
Mass-start legs | You have a normal orienteering course. A group of 3-6 runners run together, and at each control there is a new mass-start. The goal is to be the first to the control each time. For 4 runners, you can e.g. have a scoring 4-2-1-0. Restart as soon as possible. | Overspeed orienteering, Pressure handling | ![]() |
Multi-mass-start relay | Relay with very short legs, in which there is a new mass-start for each leg. Each runner runs 4 legs, and there are 3-4 runners in each team. The first team coming in on each leg gets 4 points, the second 2 points, the third 1 point - the rest zero points. Points are added for the team. The next leg starts when the second last runner returns from the previous leg. Very intensive relay training with a lot of pressure on the runners. We usually get several DSQ'es as the runners do not tackle the pressure. This relay training is a lot of fun! | Overspeed orienteering, Pressure handling | ![]() |
One man relay | Several courses from the same starting point - one runner runs all courses. Mass start. Typically some parts of the courses overlap. | Concentration, Overspeed orienteering | |
Orienteering intervals | Several short courses (alternatively parts of a long course) which are run at high speed, with a pause between each course. Several variants are described. | Concentration, Overspeed orienteering, Speed adaption | ![]() |